Dropshare 5.20 or newer
Dropshare supports connections to Rackspace R2. To set up a connection to a Rackspace R2 bucket, you need to create a Custom S3 API-Compliant Connection in the Connections preferences after you've created the bucket in the R2 Dashboard.
Step 1: Create Bucket
To create your Rackspace R2 Bucket to use with Dropshare, log in to the R2 Dashboard, and click on R2 in the menu. Choose Create Bucket and enter a bucket name. After creating the bucket, select Settings and allow public access by clicking Allow Access under Bucket Access. Use the Public Bucket URL as Domain Alias (without https://).
Step 2: Get Access Keys
Navigate back to the R2 dashboard, select Manage R2 API Tokens and Create API Token. Choose Edit as permission and a TTL of your choice. You will need to replace the token in Dropshare after the Time To Live has been exceeded.
Note the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
Step 3: Set Up Connection
Go to the Dropshare preferences, open the Connections tab, and choose to create a new Custom S3-API Compliant Conneciton.
Bucket Name | Name of the bucket from step 1 |
Access Key | Access Key from step 2 |
Secret Key | Secret Key from step 2 |
Server | Bucket address from Bucket Details site (without https:// and without /bucketname) |
Domain Alias | Public Bucket address from Step 1 (without https://) |
Use SSL | Enable |
Use Path-Style URL | Disable |
Use AWS v2 Signature | Disable |
Omit ACL Header | Enable |
Disable Multipart Uploads | Enable |
Click Test Connection to make sure everything has been set up correctly, and you're done!
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