Dropshare 5.16 and newer
To create a WebDAV connection, first enter the preferences. Switch to the Connection tab. Select WebDAV, and enter all required information:
WebDAV URL | URL to WebDav Server, e.g. http://your-server.com/webdav/ |
Username | Username for HTTP Authentication |
Password | Password for HTTP Authentication |
URL to Path | URL to download / access files (without authentication) |
Click Test Connection to make sure everything has been set up correctly, and you're done!
Check out the Tutorial at Digital Ocean to learn how to set up a WebDAV server.
Not sure what server provider you want to use to host your uploads with Dropshare? We strongly recommend DigitalOcean, which also hosts Dropshare Sync and Dropshare Safe. Sign up here and get $10 in account balance. (Referral link)
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