Dropshare 5.15 and newer
To create a SFTP connection, first enter the preferences. Switch to the Connection tab, and create a new or use an existing connetion.
Select the SFTP tab for your connection, and enter all required information:
- Enter the FQDN / IP address of the server
- Enter the SFTP user account name
- If you wish to use password / keyboard-interactive authentication, enter the SFTP user password. In case you want to use public key authentication, enter the passphrase for your private key (if a passphrase is required)
- Optional: If you want to use public key authentication, select the private key for the given SFTP account.
- Enter the absolute path on the server where Dropshare should save your uploads at
- Enter the URL for the path given above
Press Save to update your information. We recommend to test the connection to make sure Dropshare is able to connect to your server and successfully upload files.
Not sure what server provider you want to use to host your uploads with Dropshare? We strongly recommend DigitalOcean, which also hosts Dropshare Sync and Dropshare Safe. Sign up here and get $10 in account balance. (Referral link)
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