Dropshare 5.0.4 and later
For site and team installations, Dropshare offers several options to automate the deployment of the app.
License Activation
In order to automatically activate the licensing of the app, provide the following launch parameters to it:
Parameter | Description |
-licenseCode | License Code (individual or site licenses) |
-licenseEmail | Email address associated with license code |
Connection Import
To automatically import connections to the app on startup, provide the following launch parameters to it (can be repeated for multiple connections):
Parameter | Description |
-importConnection | Path to .dsconn file to import |
-importPassphrase | Passphrase for decryption of connection file |
Sample Usage
Below is a sample of how to start the app with launch parameters in your deployment setup:
open /Applications/Dropshare.app --args -importConnection "/Users/test/test.dsconn" -importPassphrase "test" -importConnection "/Users/test/test2.dsconn" -importPassphrase "test2" -licenseCode "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee" -licenseEmail "test@example.com"
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