Dropshare 5.58 and newer
Dropshare supports uploading to any custom API that accepts file uploads and responds with a URL to the uploaded file.
To set up an upload connection using a Custom API, select "Custom API" under "Custom Services" when creating a new connection in the Connection preferences.
Set up the credentials as follows:
Request | |
Upload URL | URL to the upload API, must include scheme (http:// or https://) |
Method | POST or PUT, depending on the Upload API |
Content-Type | Currently, multipart/form-data is supported |
Form Field | Name of the form field which will contain the file, for multipart/form-data requests. |
Header |
Key-Value definition of request header. See "Request Placeholders" for options. Example: { "Authorization": "YOUR_API_KEY" } |
Body |
Key-Value definition of request body. See "Request Placeholders" for options. Example: { "filename": "%filename%", "secure_url": true } |
Response | |
URL to file | URL to the uploaded file. See "Response Placeholders" for options. |
Content Type | Content type of response, can be JSON or Plain Text. When using Plain Text, use %raw% for the URL to file. |
Delete URL (only when Content-Type is JSON) |
URL to call when the file should be deleted. Can be an API URL (select Method in "Delete Method"), or a website to be opened (select "Browser"). See "Response Placeholders" for options. |
Request Placeholders
The following placeholders can be used for the request header or request body fields:
%filename% | Original name of the uploaded file |
Response Placeholders
The following placeholders can be used for the URL to file:
%raw% | Full plain text response from Upload API, e.g. if the API responds with just the URL to the uploaded file. |
When using JSON as content type for the response, all JSON object properties can be used as placeholders for the URL to file.
Example JSON 1
{ "file": { "url": "http://server.com/uploads/file.png" } }
Use then %file.url% as URL to file.
Example JSON 2
[ { "url": "http://server.com/uploads/file.png" } ]
Use then %[0].url% as URL to file.
Example JSON 3
{ "files": [ "http://server.com/uploads/file.png" ] }
Use then %files[0]% as URL to file.
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