In case Dropshare stops synchronising uploads across different macOS or iOS devices permanently, you can follow these steps to reset the local database and re-initialise synchronisation.
Please be aware: There is a risk of data loss for local uploads which have not been synchronised to iCloud yet. Consider whether you accept this risk before continuing.
macOS (retail)
- Quit Dropshare
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Application Support/net.mkswap.Dropshare{4,5}/com.mentalfaculty.ensembles.eventdata"
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~net~mkswap~Dropshare{4,5}/com.mentalfaculty.ensembles.clouddata"
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Group Containers/group.Dropshare/ens"
- Launch Dropshare and give it a few minutes to re-initialise the synchronisation
macOS (Setapp)
- Quit Dropshare
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Application Support/net.mkswap.Dropshare-setapp/com.mentalfaculty.ensembles.eventdata"
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~net~mkswap~Dropshare{4,5}/com.mentalfaculty.ensembles.clouddata"
- Delete the contents of "~/Library/Group Containers/group.Dropshare/ens"
- Launch Dropshare and give it a few minutes to re-initialise the synchronisation
- Open Dropshare
- Navigate to Settings, About
- Tap the Dropshare icon at the top 10 times in a row
- Tap "Delete Database" in the alert that shows
- The app will quit. Manually restart it and give it a few minutes to re-initialise the synchronisation
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