Dropshare 4.2 and newer
Dropshare is able to take and upload screenshots from connected iOS devices. Please make sure the iOS device is connected using USB and you have chosen to trust your Mac when the iOS device asks for it.
Dropshare uses the built-in functionality of iOS to appear as video input source on your Mac to capture a screenshot of your iOS device.
In case Dropshare is unable to take a screenshot, you can always check the log files for more information.
Please note:
Due to the nature of how this works, a possibly existing Xcode debugging session on your iOS device will be ended when you take a screenshot. This also happens when using QuickTime Player, and we unfortunately cannot solve this issue. We hope it is still useful for you though.
Pro tip:
To record a video from your iOS device, open QuickTime Player.app, select File -> New Movie Recording and select your iOS device as video input source right next to the red recording button. Record your video, and then just share it as usual with Dropshare.
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